Creative curriculum topics 2014-15
Literacy and Numeracy lessons are taught in the mornings in all classes. The school uses letters and sounds to help children aquire their phonic skills and a range of levelled reading books from different schemes are used.
We aim to inspire children through our Creative curriculum, using a fresh topic each term to enable pupils to develop and apply their core literacy and numeracy skills through engaging theme-based lessons, activities and trips. As well as subject specific skills we focus on broader personal development and skills: initiative, reflection, resilience, relationships, resourcefulness and risk taking. We encourage our children to become independent thinkers and learners, giving them the opportunity to explore and discover knowledge and information for themselves, using self selected resources and their preferred learning style. Each class will have it's own topic plan. Every term there will be one topic which is studied by the whole school, and the children will focus on an aspect of this within their class groups.
Our Creative Curriculum topics for the 2014-2015 academic year are as follows:
Harlequin | King Eider | Mandarin | |
Term 1 | Houses and homes | Space | WWI |
Term 2 | Fighting fit | Vikings | Australia |
Term 3 | Pirates | Under the sea | Deep sea |
Term 4 | Tell me a story | Robots | Aztecs |
Term 5 | Spain | Spain | Spain |
Term 6 | Sports | Mighty mountains | Extreme sports |