Our day

Home table Children start the day at their Home table, with 10 minutes independent reading time, so we ask that children bring their reading books into school every day.

Stay and play Parents and carers are welcome to come into the classroom on Thursday mornings from 8.45-9.15, so you can find out more about what your child has been learning, see some of the work on display in the classroom, and try some activities together.

Registration and assembly Miss Griffiths takes the register before the children gather in the hall for collective worship. On Friday we hold a special Awards assembly at which the Mandarin Class star is announced, along with stars from other classes. School star, Lunchtime star and Best work of the week are also awarded to children who have been nominated by staff. You will receive a text message in the morning letting you know if your child has been selected for an award, and our stars are announced each week on the school website. Each term Mandarin children present an assembly on their Creative curriculum topic for the term, and we invite parents and carers to join us. Look out for the dates of these class led assemblies in Diary dates.

Morning lessons Teaching in the morning will usually focus on core curriculum English and Maths lessons, with a balance of teacher-led discussion, group activities, independent learning, and one-to-one support.

Break The children have a mid morning break at 10.45. Children may bring a snack to eat at this time. 

Lunch Lunch is 12-1pm. Children will collect their lunch bags, or make their selection from the school dinner menu, before taking a seat at their allocated lunch table in the hall. You can let us know your child's lunch arrangements by contacting Mrs Pick in the office or sending in a note with payment each Monday.

Afternoon lessons Afternoon lessons include subjects from the broader curriculum, including Topic, Science, PSHE, RE, PE, Music and Cookery. During Topic lessons the children have the opportunity to explore their Creative curriculum topic for that term, developing and applying Maths, English, Science, Art and ICT skills through engaging theme-based activities. On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon Mandarin have PE, which takes place in the school hall, or outside on the playground or sports field. We ask that all children have a full PE kit in school at all times in case of additional activities or changes to the timetable. 

Hometime School finishes at 3.15pm and you will be able to collect your children from the main door onto the playground. You child's safety is very important to us, so we will only release them into the care of a recognised family member or carer. If you should need to nominate an alternative adult to collect your child please let the office know in advance. For information on after school care please click here.