Welcome to our Friends, Parents and Teachers Association
Dear Parent’s/Carers
I would like to thank you for welcoming me as the new FPTA chair. I look forward to this exciting yet challenging role over the next 12 months. .
I have two children in the school and have seen how they have benefitted from FPTA funding over the last 2 years.
So what is the FPTA and what is its purpose?
The FPTA is a friendly group made up of Friends, Parents and Teachers. It has two main roles.
The first, and the one that FPTA’s are best known for, is to raise funds. The money we raise is given to the school to purchase items that our government funding doesn’t cover. Previously we have given money to the school to purchase digital cameras to use in the classrooms, library seating and books, computers and costs of the swimming coach, to name just a few.
The second role is to encourage closer links between school and home. Fundraising events provide a social opportunity for parents, carer’s, staff and pupils to get together.
Over the next 12 months we are hoping to raise enough money to fund some new IT equipment and ipad’s for the children to use in the classroom.
There are many ways that you can support the FPTA. You may be able to commit to a big job, run a stall at one of our fayres, bake a cake for the cake stall and you can always support us by turning up to events.
We are always looking for fresh ideas – if you have one please come and talk to me in the playground, leave a message for me at the school office, find me on Facebook or email me.
Thank you for your continued support
Dawn Pickett