Our facilities

Ducklings have a lovely light, bright purpose built classroom, with a secure, sheltered area for outdoor play, and access to the main playground. We know that many little ones will still be getting to grips with toileting and personal hygiene, so the Ducklings have the benefit of their own dedicated toilet and washing facilities immediately adjacent to the classroom.

We teach the children new and exciting topics every half term and enjoy seeing the children learn through play and class activities. There are a number of specific learning areas in both classrooms, some of these include a reading area, construction area, small world area, mark making area, role play area, messy play and manipulative area, creative area, maths area, and interactive whiteboard and pcs. There is an exciting outside area where the children can play and learn all year around with a range of activities including sand, water, bikes, role play, reading and writing areas as well as more small world and large construction equipment.

One of the strengths of Newton Regis is the close relationship between Nursery, Reception and Year 1, which helps children progress confidently through the Early Years Foundation Stage and onto the National Curriculum. The Ducklings classroom opens into the Harlequin classroom where Reception and Year 1 children learn and play, so the children have lots of opportunities to spend time together. Because the Ducklings spend time every day with their friends in Harlequin, they are already comfortable and familiar with their teacher and classroom environment when they move up into Reception and join Harlequin class. Rather than an abrupt transition to another building or room, they can move happily and confidently into Reception.