Your options

We have lots of flexible options for nursery provision. From the term following their 3rd birthday all children are entitled to 15 hours per week free childcare provision, and you can take up this statutory provision in our morning sessions and choose to supplement that provision with additional nursery sessions at your discretion. You can choose which days your child attends, and whether they stay for:

  • The morning session from 9-12
  • The morning session from 9-12 and lunch hour 12-1
  • The afternoon session 1-3.15
  • The morning, lunch, and afternoon session 9-3.15

Your child can start at Newton Regis from:

  • The start of the academic year after their 3rd birthday (September term)
  • The first term after their 3rd birthday
  • At any time from age 2 and half onwards

Unlike many primary schools we enable children to begin nursery from the first term after their 3rd birthday, rather than the first September after their 3rd birthday. This enables your child to begin settling in to nursery as soon as they are ready, rather than waiting many months until the start of the academic year. It also enables you to begin taking advantage of your free childcare entitlement as soon as your child is eligible.

Many parents choose to take advantage of the 15 hours per week childcare provision as soon as it is available. Some parents choose to start their child a few mornings or afternoons a week while they settle in, increasing their time in nursery over the course of the year until they attend each morning, and begin including lunchtime, and then afternoons as the year progresses. This flexibility supports the individual needs of your child, and provides great preparation for their transition into full time schooling in Reception, so they are confident and familiar with the daily routine.

Please contact us at to find out about availability.