Our school day

Arrival Teachers are always available on the playground in the morning if you have any questions, comments or special requests before your little one goes into school. Your child will be given a special Home/School Diary in their first week which teachers use to send notes and comments home, and which you can use to make notes, comments and questions.

Circle time Our day starts with circle time in the playground at 9am. The Ducklings gather together in a circle with Reception and Year1 children from Harlequin to say good morning and lead off into the classroom. Little ones often need some help and a hug to settle in to their day, so Mummies, Daddies and carers are welcome to accompany their child into the classroom, where you will have the opportunity to help them hang up their bag and coat and settle down before you leave. Sometimes little ones can struggle with saying goodbye, but our experienced staff will provide care and support to help this process. Rest assured that the school will call to let you know if your child is finding it difficult to settle, or, more usually, reassure you that your child has settled well into class and has completely forgotten that teary goodbye! As the school year progresses we ask parents to encourage their little one’s confidence and independence by entering school with their friends and leaving parents at the circle. We’ve found that circle time helps children to focus on their friends and teacher, easing the transition from playground to classroom, and makes children more relaxed and comfortable separating from their parent or carer in preparation for the day.

Registration Duckings are encouraged to find their own names when they enter the nursery and to self register.  Their parents are welcome to stay and help the children settle and choose their first activity.

Play Throughout the day the children are encouraged to explore a range of toys, games and activities which are carefully tailored to support the EYFS 7 key areas of learning. For directed activities we work with the children in small groups according to age, tailoring the duration and complexity of the activity according to whether each child falls into the 16-22 months, 24-32 months or 30-50 months age band. As they play and learn, teaching staff guide, support and observe your little one, compliling detailed records of their learning journey.

Fruit and drink Healthy fruit and vegetable snacks are available throughout the day and children under the age of 5 are eligible for free milk. You need to register your child with the Cool Milk scheme to take advantage of this.

Lunchtime If you have opted to collect your child at the end of the morning session then they will be helped to get ready for you to collect at 12pm. Nursery children are collected directly from the Nursery door at the front of the school. If you have opted for your little one to stay for lunch then you can choose whether to provide a packed lunch, or choose school meals from the menu, which changes each term. The Ducklings get lots of help and support at lunchtimes, with their own lunchtime supervisor to help them choose appropriate dinner options and make sure everyone eats up! If you have opted to collect your child after lunch then they will be helped to get ready for you to collect at 1pm. You will be able to collect directly from the Nursery door at the front of the school.

Afternoon If you have opted for your child to attend for the afternoon session, then they will be able to enjoy a fresh range of games, toys and activities until the end of the school day. Nursery children are collected from the playground Nursery door at the rear of the school at 3.15pm.