New website launch!
We are delighted to be launching our brand new website this month. We have been busy working on the site for the last few months and we are really proud of the result, we hope you like it too. We wanted the new site to be a real showcase for the school and the children, and help us to share more information, news and photographs with you, giving a real insight into the day to day life of the school and all of our special events and activities.
Thank you to all our parents for your patience while the old site has been retired, and the new one prepared, and special thanks go to Newton parents Lindsay Cooper and Eamonn Sorohan. Without their help and hard work this website would not have been possible.
Please take a few minutes to explore the site - you will find some great pictures of the children on each of the class pages, and in our news articles. There is information on class organisation, rewards and incentives, learning schemes, and homework for each class, as well as easy links to newsletters and homework. All our Policy documents and reports can be found under Our school, including detailed information on our Academic results. The Guide to tracking and assessment aims to answer some of your frequently asked questions:
- How do you monitor and assess my child?
- What statutory assessments will my child take?
- How often will I receive feedback on my child's progress?
- What steps are taken if my child needs more help?
The next few Diary dates are highlighted on the home page and shown throughout the site, so it's quick and easy to check what's coming up. Our School, Class and Lunchtime stars will be announced on the website every week, as will our Best work of the week, showcasing some of the great work produced by the children.
If you have any suggestions for improving the site, or experience any problems using it, please contact